It’s not only the more conspicuous birds such as waders that
are on the move, the smaller ones are busy moving south as well, but they’re much
more difficult to see, and one of the best way to find them is to get out the mist
nets and go ringing in a reed bed.
Early this morning I joined a group of local of ringers. The weather was right, clear overhead last evening, with cloud
moving in before dawn. Many small migrants navigate by the stars, and when
blotted out by clouds, tend to ‘fall’ into the nearest reed bed. The results
can be dramatic, and in the past I’ve experienced huge falls of sedge warblers at
Oxwich Marsh. Today’s catch was reasonable, and with only six nets, we caught in
excess of 80 birds. Apart from the usual residents, they were mostly sedge
warblers, with a variety of other migrants such as reed warblers, whitethroats,
blackcaps, willow warblers and a single lesser whitethroat.

None of our sedge or reed warblers today weighed anything
like this, but some showed signs of subcutaneous fat deposits under their
wings, a sure sign they were on the move.
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