After what has
obviously been a good breeding season, the garden feeders are alive with
birds. Young blue tits are everywhere, and after a few years being thin on the
ground, the feeders are buzzing with greenfinches. Old faithfuls like magpies,
jackdaws, wood pigeons and collared doves are around each day, and a juvenile
great-spotted woodpecker drops in from time to time. Nuthatches have deserted
me, although I know they’ll be back soon, and the garden robin is keeping out
of sight, but the big difference this year is the absence of wrens and
dunnocks, which don’t seem to have recovered from last winter’s bad weather.
Fewer goldfinches are taking the nijer seeds, and may have temporarily found
better pickings in the surrounding countryside during their annual moult.
Blackbirds keep mostly out of sight, they too deep in moult, and I haven’t seen
a song thrush in the garden for weeks.

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