Cold weather has held back the onset of spring. Snowdrops, crocuses and primroses have
all been a little late this year and although some birds are starting nest
building, there’s not much bird song yet.
Daffodils are normally in flower by St David’s Day and although some are
out on shaded roadsides, the majority are still in bud.
In the woodlands, trees show signs of the awakening spring. Carpets of new garlic shoots are
beginning to spread over woodland floors, fighting for light amongst the dull
greens of last year’s ivy leaves.
Hazel catkins and their attendant little flowers have been out for a
couple of weeks already and the soft catkins of goat willow shine in a rare
shaft of sunlight. Green alder
catkins, with tints of brown hang in clumps from branches, they too catching
the morning rays of the sun. There
are closed buds on most trees, but horse chestnuts are showing signs of
breaking out.

There seem to be lots of blackbirds about at the moment. Six males in the garden this morning
was unusual, and the fields by the wood is dotted with them. I wonder if they are winter visitors
preparing to move back to the Continent.
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