I’ve spent the last few days rescuing the garden from the
winter. There’s not really much to
do, I just gather up fallen sticks from around the willow tree, scarify the
flower beds and plant pots in preparation for the wildflower seeds I’ll plant
once I’m confident the last frosts are behind us. As usual the garden robins help to ease the pain. They’ll soon start to build a nest
somewhere in the tangle of vegetation I leave for wildlife, or perhaps in a
hole in the brick wall of what was once a stable block. The blue tits have already lined the
nest box, but will wait for warmer weather before laying eggs.
As every year, there’s a pair of magpies building a nest at the
bottom of the garden. The nest is
high in a mature bush and their presence this spring will again be bad news
for the other birds that try to raise young in the garden. The pair has taken control of the
garden; they don’t seem to mind small birds, but any unsuspecting jackdaw or
rook is soon dispatched. Magpies
are controversial and there are many would destroy the nest. I prefer to let nature take its course;
after all they’re such magnificent birds, and would not look out of place in the
most exotic tropical location.
They also have the added advantage of helping to keep killer cats at
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