It’s typically
grey outside, some would say depressingly so, but the Brits can always find
something to be happy about. Is it
temperature, lengthening days, or time of year that stimulates birds to begin
singing in early spring? Maybe
it’s a combination of all of these, but as the temperature returns to normal
and nightfall gets gradually later, a blackbird and song thrush have joined the
ever present singing robin in the garden over the last few days. The frogs too are in full song,
especially after dark and the pond is writhing with activity; it should be full
of frogspawn in the next few days.
Away from the
garden, I hear great tits and dunnocks; not many, but more than the odd snatch
of song. Coal tits with their
bright uplifting calls are starting too, and the song of ever present wrens appears
to be getting louder by the day. Mistle
thrushes are early nesters and have been vocal for some time and the noisy
rooks are settling in across the road.

We are
promised good weather, but winter could return in a flash and all this early
activity could be in vain. These
early birds could be fooled and wasting their time.
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