There are
subtle changed afoot. I sit
looking at the black-headed gull flock by the lighthouse, trying in vain to
count accurately the Mediterranean gulls amongst them. There seems little change since last
week, but a few black-headed gulls are beginning to acquire their brown heads. Only one has completely changed, but the
transformation is under way, and it won’t be long before most will be wearing
their smart summer garb. Mediterranean
gulls are changing too; a very tame and stunning summer plumage bird a with jet-black head obliges a photographer from London who can’t believe his luck.
Other birds
are showing signs of summer; jackdaws with shining silver-grey necks and glossy
black caps remind me of silverback gorillas. Starlings too are loosing some winter spots, glinting
iridescent in the sunshine. Woodpigeons
sport neck-patches as though decorated with brilliant white paint; I wish we
still called them ring doves.
In the bay I
check out the oystercatchers; all still have winter white neck-collars, which
will disappear before they disperse to northern breeding grounds. I detect no changes in the other waders
too; curlews, dunlins and sanderlings all look wintery and an amazingly white
little egret looks superb in the bright sunshine, also telling me nothing. The glossy green back of a lapwing reminds
me that we used to call them green plovers.
Back in the
garden I look closely at male chaffinches. Like many other small birds, they acquire breeding plumage by
gradually abrading their crown feathers. As if by magic, dull blue-brown hues turn into the bright
electric blue of summer. Most
other small garden birds are just getting smarter; blue tits, great tits and
coal tits all look brighter and male blackbirds have striking yellow bills.