A silver sheet of light covers the line where the sky meets
the sea. Under a dull grey sky, it lasts just a few moments, and is quickly
swallowed up by a misty rain creeping in over the bay. Minutes later, the sun
forces a yellow glow through the low clouds, and this too is gone in flash. Blue
sky appears between more threatening clouds, but this doesn’t last long either.
Days like this of alternating sunshine and showers are common in early winter,
when the weather can’t decide what to do, but the reward is mood and magical
A few brave souls stride out along the beach at Port Eynon, whilst others prefer to sit inside cars by the shore. Over recent years, there’s been
heated debate about the loss of sand on Gower’s beaches as a result of dredging
offshore, and although Port Eynon has suffered, there’s still a good covering
today. As the tide recedes, the ever-changing light glitters on the watery
surface left in the sand. Sharp showers come and go, but don’t affect the
wagtails and pipits scurrying amongst the flotsam searching for flies and sand

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