After such a late onset of spring, the countryside continues
to burst into life; just about every kind of wild flower came out in profusion,
and still, in early June, it continues. Near Port Eynon Point, grass verges
along limestone walls are awash with tall hogweeds, many covered in insects.
These sturdy plants seem to thrive on Gower, even along high exposed hedgerows.
True flies, hoverflies, and the odd bee buzz over their flat blossoms, which
also attract weevils, shining iridescent in the bright mid-morning sun. An eleven spot ladybird opens its elytra, launches itself into the air almost
vertically, and is gone.

Around the headland it’s all about the sea. Gulls, maybe
non-breeders, pass back and forth, and a tern offshore is too far away to
identify properly. The plants change too. I’m now in a world of succulents and
lush grass. Sea campion and thrift flows over rocky outcrops, and I bed myself
down in a hollow hoping for a seal to pop up in the little sheltered cove
below. There are no seals, but I make do with a school of harbour porpoises;
it’s a lucky day again.
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