It’s been good
for hen harriers of late, and they’ve been seen far and wide on the peninsula
this winter; perhaps the severe weather has driven more of them further
west. There’s a roost on the south
side of the Burry Inlet, but numbers vary. It needs lots of evening visits to get a good idea of the
number of individuals involved, but even then it’s not easy to be sure how
many are there.

The light
fades and I drive slowly along the deserted marsh road. A silhouetted kestrel hovers away to my
right; it’s far too dim to say male or female, but a merlin makes up for
everything. Sitting obligingly on
a fence post only a few yards away, he tears away at a meadow pipit, or is it a linnet? The light
disappears as invisible tawny owls appear in the woods. These are much easier to count,
especially at this time of year, when vocal males ready themselves for the
breeding season just round the corner.
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