Hedgerows bursting with life border the quiet lane from
Oxwich Green to Upper Slade. Bluebells, red campion, wood sorrel, buttercups,
daisies, dandelions, cow parsley, herb robert and more, decorate the bright
spring greens of ivy, nettles and hawthorn. In bright sunshine, and with little
wind, my senses are alive to nature.
At the turning down to the tiny hamlet at Slade, the view
over the sea is breathtaking. Lower down past the few immaculately kept
dwellings, the path veers left along a narrow path above the sea. On limestone
walls, and along the path, new plants appear; navelwort, lords and ladies,
forget-me-nots, hart’s tongue ferns, ivy-leaved toadflax. There are butterflies
too, small, large and green-veined whites, and wonderful male orange tips.
At the end of the path the view over Port Eynon Bay to
Sedger’s Bank tells me it’s low tide. I can see for miles. All around, the
cliffs are covered in carpets of bright gorse, and the sea is a patchwork quilt
of greens and blues. Above the beach scalding whitethroats patrol the thin
hedgerows bent with winter gales.

I’m joined for lunch by a gannet, fishing close inshore, and
am watched over by yet another male stonechat.
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