My earliest
recollection of being interested in nature was sitting by a cauldron of
pigswill in the cool of an evening being taught about the natural world by an
old man who kept a smallholding.
Mr Felton kept pigs and a few chickens, and we talked about how to look
after them, but what he taught me about nature, set me along a road that I have
never really veered away from.
I was about
ten or so and I collected bird’s eggs.
In those days it seemed that all young boys did, and we didn’t give
conservation a second thought. We
were told to take just one egg from a nest, and I think I kept to this rule
most of the time. I had no sense
of breaking the law, which at that time was before even the 1954 Wild Birds
Protection Act.
I’m reminded
of all this as I hear a Dartford warbler singing in the gorse on the cliffs at
Heatherslade. Modern day
legislation gives these rare residents maximum protection; it’s even an offence
to visit the nest, let alone take an egg.
The same goes for the choughs, which nest in the caves to the east of
me. They too are rare, and would
be a target for modern day egg collectors. I’m not sure if Gower is targeted any more, but there are
species here that would feature high on many a collector’s list of ‘must
haves’. Thankfully the practice is
now rare, and only a few hardened individuals brave the law, which over the
years has been strengthened, whilst at the same time being backed up by stiffer
fines and even prison sentences. We’ve
come a long way since my boyhood days with Mr Felton.
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